Delivery drones – will they take off?
Delivery drones – will they take off?
The notion of a drone delivering goods to your door, like driverless cars and unmanned trains, has caused a certain amount of unease since it was first talked about. For consumers, though, being able to get products delivered directly by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is tempting.
Seeing hundreds of drones buzzing around the skies is likely several years away yet, but the first services are now happening. In Africa, for example, essential medical supplies are already being delivered to remote doctor’s surgeries and patients. The drone startup Matternet has delivered crucial supplies (and chocolate) via drone in Haiti after the earthquake.
According to Dan Wang in an article entitled the economics of drone delivery? The first legal delivery in the United States via drone took place on July 17, 2015.
That day, a drone operated remotely made three trips to transport medicine from the Lonesome Pine Airport in Wise, Virginia, to a nearby fairgrounds. The demonstration was the result of a partnership between the drone startup Flirtey and 2 organizations that provide healthcare in rural, underserved areas.
The flight demonstrates two aspects of the future of drones and air freight: that technology is not the limiting factor, and that drones’ most obvious appeal is not for personal deliveries.
As we said at the beginning of our blog. Drones are in a situation as self-driving cars. It is likely that drone deliveries will start in remote areas or for flying machine parts or medicines to oil rigs and mines.
Droneinsurance.ie is an online drone insurance specialist. Click here to download the proposal form.
The Typical Drone Insurance Coverage that our clients would look for
UAV / Drone All Risks Insurance – Main Coverage
- Replace or repair, accidental loss or damage to the UAV
- Includes disappearance if the UAV is unreported for 60 days
- Includes Payload
UAV /Drone Third Party Liability Insurance – Main Coverage
- Compensatory damages in respect of accidental bodily injury (fatal or otherwise) caused by the UAV
- Compensatory damages to property caused by the UAV
- Can provide cover during the R&D phase
UAV Products Liability Insurance – Main Coverage
- Bodily injury or property damage arising out of products manufactured by the Insured once such products are no longer in the possession or control of the insured
- Insurers will pay legal costs incurred in the defence of any claim made against the insured up to sum insured
Call us now on 091 563518 or visit www.droneinsurance.ie for more details